Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Peer Pressure - 2910 Words

Good Debate Topics Bored of the same old debate topics repeated and reiterated at every competition? Here are a few good debate topics that you can choose from for the next time you organize a debate. As a student, one topic which I remember always making the rounds of the debating circuit was, does violence in television and movies influence the way children behave? By the end of my learning years, I was sure that I had heard every argument that could have been made about the topic. After all, how many examples can you give from television and how many instances of juvenile delinquency can you cite that resulted from watching a violent film? Yes, violence has permeated the media but can we for once stop making it the staple fodder for†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Recycling should be compulsory. †¢ God: myth or reality? †¢ Sex education - when is the right time to start it? †¢ Media censorship - a necessary change? †¢ Should the legal age allowing consumption of alcohol be raised? †¢ Abortion - should it be banned. Good Debate Topics for College Students College students are young adults who have informed opinions and the wherewithal to express themselves in a concise and intelligent manner. Given below are a few informative speech topics for college students. †¢ Evolution or creation: how did human beings come about? †¢ Nuclear proliferation: will development of nuclear weapons fuel a third world war? †¢ Quarter life crisis is the new midlife crisis? †¢ Is the world going to end in 2012? †¢ US military involvement in Iraq has done more good than harm. †¢ Is co-habitation the replacement for marriage? †¢ Human cloning should be allowed. †¢ Will there be another Holocaust? †¢ Do newborn babies remembers their past life? †¢ Media consolidation: pros and cons. †¢ Should same-sex partners have the same rights as heterosexuals? †¢ Are we overworking ourselves? †¢ The United States should eliminate its own weapons of mass destruction - do you agree or disagree? †¢ Is the American dream overrated? †¢ Is it justified to give a dictator a tit-for-tat treatment? †¢ The Roman Catholic Church policy forbidding the use of contraception should beShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Peer Pressure761 Words   |  3 Pages Peer pressure. No one can hear those two words and not feel bad in some way. Peer pressure happens in every school. Teens are being torn down by other teens. It is not okay to hurt anyone no matter what. Every year some kid runs away from home probable because of being peer pressured, peer pressure must be dealt with some way or another. If putting up laws helps get rid of peer pressure its worth it. Teen peer pressure has become a big problem in schools, and teens should be required to go aRead MoreThe Guide To Peer Pressure Essay949 Words   |  4 PagesPeer pressure should not be allowed because it may result in bad choices for the person experiencing it. Many kids entering high school, or middle school start experiencing all different kinds of peer pressuring. Whether it is encouraging you to join choir, track, or dance. But, sometimes your friends can be pressuring you to try very dangerous things. For example, drugs, drinking, and dares that lead to very hard consequences. This is one of the toughest issues a teenageer will face. They feelRead MorePeer Pressure1013 Words   |  5 PagesPeer pressure From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Peer pressure is influence that a peer group, observers or individual exerts that encourages others to change their attitudes, values, or behaviors to conform the group norms. Social groups affected include membership groups, in which individuals are formally members (such as political parties and trade unions), or social cliques in which membership is not clearly defined. A person affected by peer pressure may or may not want to belong to theseRead MoreIs Peer Pressure Necessary?1047 Words   |  5 PagesIs Peer Pressure Necessary? By Hannah â€Å"Come on! Don’t be a wimp!† Words floated around Mike’s head. He was dizzy from all the things his supposed friends said to him. â€Å"You’re such a loser. Man up.† Mike dropped to the ground. Another voice hovered near his head. â€Å"Just do it.† Mike took the cigarette from his friend’s outstretched hand. It would be okay, right? Just once. Just once to fit in. He pushed the cigarette closer to his mouth, closing his hand around it like in the movies. It did notRead MorePeer Pressure Speech1520 Words   |  7 Pagesreally leading? There are two kinds of peer pressure. The Positive kind, and the Negative kind. The positive kind of peer pressure is, being pressured or convinced to do a certain task that you may not have had the confidence to complete or to do yourself. Another kind of positive peer pressure is when friends convince you not to do something that may not have been in your best interest. Negative peer pressure is just what it sounds like—It is when Peers try to make you think that they know whatRead MoreThe Problem Of Peer Pressure953 Words   |  4 PagesOf course everyone is different, but most teenagers deal with the same problems. Peer pressure, beauty, responsibility, and the future, are common for a teenager of all ages to face. These â€Å"problems† do not always have to be problems, most of the time they are out of worry. Friends play an important role in life, peer pressure is being influenced, but is not always by a friend. When thinking about peer pressure drugs and alcohol come to mind. Most teenagers try drugs or alcohol out of fear.Read MorePeer Pressure Essay693 Words   |  3 Pagesgeneration. Peer Pressure. We have all at one stage in our lives, experienced it. We all know what it feels like to be pressured by a peer. Peer pressure today impacts on kids of my generation in a huge aspect. Teenagers feel social pressure in numerous ways such as clothing, music and entertainment choices, to unsafe areas such as drugs, alcohol and smoking. During adolescence, kids emphasize their independence and explore their identity. Yet they still crave the approval of their peers and worryRead MoreEssay on Overcoming Peer Pressure573 Words   |  3 PagesThe ugly reality is that peer pressure reaches its greatest intensity at just the age when kids tend to be most insensitive and cruel. -- Walt Mueller, Understanding Todays Youth Culture Overcoming peer pressure always proves to be a challenge; being in the moment with the intention of rejecting the pressure tends to breed fear. There are all types of pressures in life from people, to possible addiction causing agents, and the desire to have fun. Personally at UC Irvine people may say thereRead MoreThe Effects Of Peer Pressure On Youth1237 Words   |  5 Pagesaccomplish goals. Peer pressure has been identified as a big impact on teenagers, and contrary to popular belief, Secure Teen (2013) has found that peer pressure may encourage positive influences on our youth. To promote motivation and a high self-esteem students could participate in groups to thrive in the classroom. These groups would be called N-I-A-F (No-one is a failure), not a typical study group or therapy, a community of academic socializing to motivate students toward success. Peers would encourageRead More Negative Peer Pressure Essay1511 Words   |  7 Pages This is usually the typical outcome o f a scene like this. It is called peer pressure. It can be disguised in many different forms. In this essay I am going to look at different ways in which teenagers can be influenced by peer pressure. Many teenagers experiment with cigarettes, drugs or alcohol. It is likely that they take their first cigarette, drink or drug because of pressure from peers or friends. The influence of friends who smoke is the main reason teenagers

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