Sunday, May 17, 2020

Technology And The Human Race - 908 Words

Humans are indeed on a path to ever increasing progress through technology and education. These technological advancements can be used for better or for worse, depending on the application, and the increasing education will impact technologies even further. However, it is often said that there lies another pathway to the destruction of the human species and the planet itself. Likewise, the destruction of the human race is also dependent on the application of advanced technologies. Abuse of authority and privilege by those in power whilst the poor and deprived starve and suffer; through uncensored, unregulated, and lack of management of these technologies, the possible extinction of the human race is plausible within the next century. Technological advancements are what allows for the destruction of habitat, overfishing, climate change, and the overconsumption of finite resources, all of which harm ourselves, and the biodiversity of planet earth. Nevertheless, the progress of these technologies has further enhanced the human race’s ability to adapt and thrive above all other species on the planet. Applications of technologies in medical fields are examples of the good that can come from technology. It is for this reason why better management or censorship of these technologies is a must. Humanity; the most intelligent species on the planet, capable of anything, but is governed by its aggression and youth. A species fast in developing, but slow in maturing. Once a speciesShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Technology On The Organization Of The Human Race3088 Words   |  13 Pages Technology can most simply be described as the advantageous application of information in the application, Fabrication, and scheme of goods and services for use in the organization of the human race. By seeing the definition of technology we can understand why it plays such a big role in society today. 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